Thursday, March 01, 2012


I have been so busy for the past 1 year I think. Each time someone wants to meet up with me, I will say that I am quite busy so maybe have to wait till after certain month.

Last month, I told my friends that I probably will have more til after Feb because I went China. Then when March arrived, I realised that my March schedule is almost full! Again!!

As guan yin dan is on 11 March, I have to practice for that show. The practice schedule for SL will be every Wednesday and Friday. Then on 2 saturdays, I have to go down for final rehearsal. Ang's schedule will be every Tuesday and Sunday.

Ang's full length show will be on 17 March.

This week:

Tuesday - Ang
Wednesday - SL
Friday - SL
Saturday - SL
Sunday - Ang/SL

On Sunday I chiong 2 places for rehearsal, 4-6pm at Ang's, 7-9pm at SL...

The only free days are Monday and Thursday and on these 2 days I have to do my powerpoint presentation for 3 library workshop and 1 school workshop.

3 library workshops on 10, 18 and 26 March.
1 School workshop on 27 March.
3 Perfromances on 3, 11 and 17 March.

You say, I busy or not????

So yah, I probably cannot meet anyone right now. Maybe April lah...

Then again, I dunno what's up in April also.. Gosh...

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